I cannot wait to meet some of my Personal Learning Network in person! These are people who have made a real difference to my practice, and have made me feel like my ideas are valued and critiqued by respected peers.
I have already met a few of these people via other avenues, but I am prepared to go out on a limb to name a few who I am really looking forward to seeing for the first time, or reconnecting with:
- Philippa Nicoll Antipas. My 2nd cousin has an amazing blog and is a collaborator in #edSMAC. We have many plans to make for "upping our game" with #edSMAC, and hopefully building this community more.
- Steve Mouldey. I love reading Steve's blogs regularly, and really want to have a chat about how HPSS is going to use NCEA within its current philosophy and practice. I am really hopeful that his ideas can be transferred to a school which still operates in subject silos.
- Dr Michelle Dickinson. I think Nanogirl is a superstar!! I am facilitating another wonderful session while her and Cathy (Science Learning Hub) are presenting their session, but I hope I get to meet both and chew the fat about all things Science!
- Chhaya Narayan. One of the team (along with Rachel Chisnall, who cannot come, sadly) who set up #scichatNZ chats on Thursday evenings. We have many plans to lay...
- The entire #edchatNZ organising committee. I have felt a bit like a passenger in getting the conference off the ground. I can't wait to meet the people who have done the real "hard yards" to support Danielle
You have to stop a list somewhere, so that is it. I know that I am going to make some amazing connections at the conference that I have not even thought about yet. Alex (#engchatNZ), Pam Hook (SOLO), Terry Beech, Andrea Henson... I can't wait to meet you all/see you again!
I am really hoping to hear stories about how people have led change in their respective schools. I am lucky to have a very supportive group of peers at my school, and a leadership team that respects what I do and gives me the scope and freedom to show initiative. I want to hear ways of letting my "wins" permeate through the school and beyond our gates into the Christchurch education community...and further still.SHARE
I am really nervous about presenting. I am talking about my filming and blogging and how it has made my lessons "rewindable". I really hope this idea appeals to people and I hope I do a good job with my presentation/workshop. I really hope people are open-minded enough to try filming themselves! I think I've got the basis of some sound pedagogy and I want to share it; I just hope people buy in long enough to see if it is their "cuppa tea" or not.I guess you could say that I am looking at this conference as a way to meet people and increase my circle of influence. I hope that doesn't sound too shallow; it has been a great way for me to improve the quality of my lessons for my students so far...and #edchatNZ has already played a major part in that.
I'm sad I can't come, but we will have to have a catch up when you are down this way for football. Hope you have an amazing time